Natural Facelift Massage

Natural Beauty Tips – Post Holiday Tune Up

Post Holiday Tune Up

Wishing you a Happy New Year.  Here are a few simple tips to release the post holiday stress while supporting a stress free and fabulous 2017.
  1. When you come home from work, prepare a relaxing cup of chamomile tea.  In a dark room sip the tea with your legs elevated and absolutely no disturbances.  This ritual helps you to decompress from the day. Time permitting allow a few minutes sitting still with your eyes closed.  Then you’re good to go for your evening activities.
  2. Rag doll stretch – bend over forward as if you were going to touch your toes.  As your arms are hanging suspended in midair inhale and exhale to the count of 10.  Then, slowly come up. This exercise will make you feel relaxed and grounded.
  3. Self Shiatsu shoulder massage – Making a fist with your right hand, pound in an up and down motion along your shoulder blades in 3 different spots. Repeat 5-7 times. Then switch sides, using your left fist to pound your right shoulder.

A great de-stresser!  And this massage will make you feel more alert as well.

Visit to learn more about my unique beauty- and health-enhancing massages, including incredible before-and-after photos of previous clients. To schedule your own facial rejuvenation facelift massage, call (212) 769-4722 or email

Lisa Zimmer
NY Natural Facelift Massage
New York City

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