Natural Facelift Massage

Acupressure Points for Beautiful Skin

The holidays are right around the corner and we all want to look our very best. Here are three acupressure points to stimulate for healthy glowing skin.

Acupressure Points for Beautiful Skin
  1. The third eye point is located right between your eyebrows.  This point stimulates the pituitary gland.  The pituitary gland is the main endocrine gland which helps enhance the condition of the skin all over the body. Use your index finger to hold and slightly press for two minutes. 
  2. Another powerful point is located by the inner corner of the eye.  Place your index fingers in the inner corners of your eyes and hold and slightly press for two minutes.  These points help to relieve dark under eye circles.
  3. Lastly, there are two more common points located on both sides of each nostril.  Place your index fingers on the side of each nostril. Press and hold for two minutes. 

Stimulate these points daily. In a few weeks you should see improvements in your skin.

Since the holidays are upon us please book your face massage appointments early so I can accommodate your preferred time slot.  Cheers!

Visit to learn more about my unique beauty- and health-enhancing massages, including incredible before-and-after photos of previous clients. To schedule your own facial rejuvenation facelift massage, call (212) 769-4722 or email

Lisa Zimmer
NY Natural Facelift Massage
New York City

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